Differential Expression Analysis for CCC & Downstream Signalling Networks


Cell-cell communication (CCC) events play a critical role in diseases, often experiencing deregulation. To identify differential expression of CCC events between conditions, we can build upon standard differential expression analysis (DEA) approaches, such as DESeq2. While dimensionality reduction methods like extracting intercellular programmes with MOFA+ and Tensor-cell2cell reduce CCC into sets of loadings, hypothesis-driven DEA tests focus on individual gene changes, making them easier to understand and interpret.

In this tutorial, we perform DEA at the pseudobulk level to assess differential expression of genes between conditions. We then translate the results into deregulated complex-informed ligand-receptor interactions and analyze their connections to downstream signaling events.

For further information on pseudobulk DEA, please refer to the Differential Gene Expression chapter in the Single-cell Best Practices book, as well as Decoupler’s pseudobulk vignette. These resources provide more comprehensive details on the subject.

Load Packages

Install mofa, decoupler, and omnipath via pip with the following commands:

pip install "decoupler>=0.1.4"
pip install "pydeseq2>=0.4.0"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc

import plotnine as p9

import liana as li
import decoupler as dc
import omnipath as op

# Import DESeq2
from pydeseq2.dds import DeseqDataSet
from pydeseq2.ds import DeseqStats
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/auto.py:21: TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.html
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/queries/enzsub?format=json`
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/queries/interactions?format=json`
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/queries/complexes?format=json`
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/queries/annotations?format=json`
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/queries/intercell?format=json`
Downloading data from `https://omnipathdb.org/about?format=text`
# Obtain TF regulons
net = dc.get_collectri()

Load & Prep Data

As a simple example, we will look at ~25k PBMCs from 8 pooled patient lupus samples, each before and after IFN-beta stimulation (Kang et al., 2018; GSE96583). Note that by focusing on PBMCs, for the purpose of this tutorial, we assume that coordinated events occur among them.

This dataset is downloaded from a link on Figshare; preprocessed for pertpy.

adata = li.testing.datasets.kang_2018()
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 24673 × 15706
    obs: 'nCount_RNA', 'nFeature_RNA', 'tsne1', 'tsne2', 'condition', 'cluster', 'cell_type', 'patient', 'nCount_SCT', 'nFeature_SCT', 'integrated_snn_res.0.4', 'seurat_clusters', 'sample', 'cell_abbr'
    var: 'name'
    obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_umap'
    layers: 'counts'

Define columns of interest from .obs

Note that we use cell abbreviations because MOFA will use them as labels for the views.

sample_key = 'sample'
groupby = 'cell_abbr'
condition_key = 'condition'

Basic QC

Note that this data has been largely pre-processed & annotated, we refer the user to the Quality Control and other relevant chapters from the best-practices book for information about pre-processing and annotation steps.

# filter cells and genes
sc.pp.filter_cells(adata, min_genes=200)
sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_cells=3)

Showcase the data

# Show pre-computed UMAP
sc.pl.umap(adata, color=[condition_key, sample_key, 'cell_type', groupby], frameon=False, ncols=2)
... storing 'sample' as categorical
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/_tools/scatterplots.py:394: UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/_tools/scatterplots.py:394: UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/_tools/scatterplots.py:394: UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scanpy/plotting/_tools/scatterplots.py:394: UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored

Differential Testing

First, we need to generate pseudobulk profiles for each cell type, and we do so using the `decoupler package <https://decoupler-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/pseudobulk.html>`__.

pdata = dc.get_pseudobulk(
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 110 × 15701
    obs: 'condition', 'cell_type', 'patient', 'sample', 'cell_abbr', 'psbulk_n_cells', 'psbulk_counts'
    var: 'name', 'n_cells'
    layers: 'psbulk_props'

We can plot the quality control metrics for each pseudobulk sample:

dc.plot_psbulk_samples(pdata, groupby=[sample_key, groupby], figsize=(11, 4))

Next, now that we have generated the pseudobulk profiles, we can perform some edgeR-like filtering using decoupler-py, and then differential expression analysis using the `pydeseq2 package <https://pydeseq2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__ - a re-implementation of the original DESeq2 method (Love et al., 2014).

Here, we perform DEA on the pseudobulk profiles for each cell type, for more info check this tutorial: https://decoupler-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/pseudobulk.html


dea_results = {}
quiet = True

for cell_group in pdata.obs[groupby].unique():
    # Select cell profiles
    ctdata = pdata[pdata.obs[groupby] == cell_group].copy()

    # Obtain genes that pass the edgeR-like thresholds
    # NOTE: QC thresholds might differ between cell types, consider applying them by cell type
    genes = dc.filter_by_expr(ctdata,
                              min_count=5, # a minimum number of counts in a number of samples
                              min_total_count=10 # a minimum total number of reads across samples

    # Filter by these genes
    ctdata = ctdata[:, genes].copy()

    # Build DESeq2 object
    # NOTE: this data is actually paired, so one could consider fitting the patient label as a confounder
    dds = DeseqDataSet(
        ref_level=[condition_key, 'ctrl'], # set control as reference

    # Compute LFCs
    # Contrast between stim and ctrl
    stat_res = DeseqStats(dds, contrast=[condition_key, 'stim', 'ctrl'], quiet=quiet)
    stat_res.quiet = quiet
    # Compute Wald test
    # Shrink LFCs
    stat_res.lfc_shrink(coeff='condition_stim_vs_ctrl') # {condition_key}_cond_vs_ref

    dea_results[cell_group] = stat_res.results_df

This results in a wall of currently unavoidable verbose text and prints, as such I use %%capture to hide it. One can use quiet to some of the functions but not logfc_shrinkage

# concat results across cell types
dea_df = pd.concat(dea_results)
dea_df = dea_df.reset_index().rename(columns={'level_0': groupby,'level_1':'index'}).set_index('index')
cell_abbr baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
AAED1 B 7.282872 -0.134222 0.260852 -0.605923 0.544566 0.747988
AAMP B 11.967019 -0.436867 0.185711 -2.523263 0.011627 0.047688
AARS B 5.797380 0.180074 0.272438 0.782374 0.433995 0.660342
AASDHPPT B 6.147571 0.184129 0.305030 0.741856 0.458175 0.679302
AATF B 9.567191 -0.109027 0.254673 -0.493000 0.622013 0.802867
# PyDeseq Seems to intrdoce NAs for some p-values
# NOTE: there sometimes some NaN being introduced, best to double check that, in this case it's only for a single gene, but it might be a problem.

DEA to Ligand-Receptor Interactions

Now that we have DEA results per gene, we can combine them into statistics of potentially deregulated ligand-receptor interactions.

To do so, liana provides a simple function li.multi.df_to_lr that calculates average expression as well as proportions based on the passed adata object, and combines those with the DEA results and a ligand-receptor resource. Since in this case we want to focus on gene statics relevant to the condition (stim), let’s subset the adata to those and normalize the counts.

adata = adata[adata.obs[condition_key]=='stim'].copy()
sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, target_sum=1e4)

Let’s combine the DEA results with the ligand-receptor interactions. We need to pass the names of the statistics from the DEA table in which we are interest to li.multi.df_to_lr, here we will use the adjusted p-values and Wald test statistic.

lr_res = li.multi.df_to_lr(adata,
                           resource_name='consensus', # NOTE: uses HUMAN gene symbols!
                           expr_prop=0.1, # calculated for adata as passed - used to filter interactions
                           stat_keys=['stat', 'pvalue', 'padj'],
                           complex_col='stat', # NOTE: we use the Wald Stat to deal with complexes
Using resource `consensus`.
Using `.X`!
Converting to sparse csr matrix!
227 features of mat are empty, they will be removed.
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/liana/method/_pipe_utils/_pre.py:150: ImplicitModificationWarning: Trying to modify attribute `.obs` of view, initializing view as actual.
0.75 of entities in the resource are missing from the data.
lr_res = lr_res.sort_values("interaction_stat", ascending=False, key=abs)
ligand receptor ligand_complex receptor_complex source ligand_stat ligand_pvalue ligand_padj ligand_expr ligand_props ... receptor_pvalue receptor_padj receptor_expr receptor_props interaction_stat interaction_pvalue interaction_padj interaction_expr interaction_props interaction
233 CXCL11 CCR5 CXCL11 CCR5 CD14 26.172426 5.476439e-151 2.599815e-148 3.106561 0.899096 ... 9.797079e-47 3.410690e-45 0.601853 0.332369 20.264119 4.898540e-47 1.705345e-45 1.854207 0.615732 CXCL11^CCR5
238 CCL8 CCR5 CCL8 CCR5 CD14 25.720102 6.965891e-146 2.798145e-143 4.313416 0.894756 ... 9.797079e-47 3.410690e-45 0.601853 0.332369 20.037957 4.898540e-47 1.705345e-45 2.457634 0.613562 CCL8^CCR5
252 CCL8 CCR1 CCL8 CCR1 CD14 25.720102 6.965891e-146 2.798145e-143 4.313416 0.894756 ... 2.567490e-35 5.779065e-34 1.079367 0.552260 19.060759 1.283745e-35 2.889533e-34 2.696391 0.723508 CCL8^CCR1
1062 CXCL11 CCR5 CXCL11 CCR5 FGR3 16.919574 3.227547e-64 6.676057e-62 2.692778 0.826011 ... 9.797079e-47 3.410690e-45 0.601853 0.332369 15.637693 4.898540e-47 1.705345e-45 1.647316 0.579190 CXCL11^CCR5
491 CCL8 CCR1 CCL8 CCR1 CD14 25.720102 6.965891e-146 2.798145e-143 4.313416 0.894756 ... 2.993682e-07 2.388773e-06 0.384328 0.247232 15.421973 1.496841e-07 1.194386e-06 2.348872 0.570994 CCL8^CCR1

5 rows × 22 columns

LIANA will filter lowly-expressed interactions, i.e. those for which any of the genes are not expressed in at least 0.1 of the cells (by default) in the AnnData object. This can be adjusted with the expr_prop parameter.

Moreover, to deal with complexes for each cell type, as either source or target of the potential CCC events, LIANA will find and assign the subunit of a complex with the lowest gene expression (by default) as the subunit of interest, and will then use the stats for that subunit as the stats of the whole protein complex.

This is a simple heuristic also adapted by many other methods, but it is not perfect, as in some cases it might be over-conservative. For example, if the subunit with lowest expression is not the one that is differentially expressed, the complex will not be detected as deregulated.

To this end, we also provide the option to provide a complex_col parameter, which will be used to assign the complex subunit of interest. This column should be a part of the stat_keys. Note that the absolute minimum value is used (i.e. the value closest to 0 is thought to be the ‘worst’ result), so this will not work for statistics with ascending values (e.g. p-values).

Visualize the Results

interaction_* columns returned by li.multi.dea_to_lr are just the mean of the ligand and receptor columns of the corresponding statistic! Please use with caution as this is just a summary of the interaction that we can use to e.g. to sort the interactions as done above. Instead, we recommend to use the ligand and receptor statistics separately to filter and visualize the interactions.

Moreover, by averaging the statistics across the ligand and receptor, we are focusing on the interactions for which both the ligand and receptor are deregulated in the same direction, i.e. both up or both down. However, this might ignore interactions in which e.g. the the ligand is deregulated while the receptor is not, or such where they are deregulated in opposite directions. These could represent potential inhibitory mechanisms, but we leave this to the user to explore.

# Let's visualize how this looks like for all interactions  (across all cell types)
lr_res = lr_res.sort_values("interaction_stat", ascending=False)
<Axes: >

Now that we have covered the basics, we can visualize our interactions in a few ways.

Let’s start with the top interactions according to their Wald statistic, and then plot the statistics for the ligands & receptors involved in those interactions across cell types, to do so LIANA+ provide li.pl.tileplot:

               fill = 'expr',
               label_fun = lambda x: '*' if x < 0.05 else np.nan,
               orderby = 'interaction_stat',
               orderby_ascending = False,
               orderby_absolute = False,
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/liana/plotting/_common.py:104: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotnine/layer.py:364: PlotnineWarning: geom_text : Removed 54 rows containing missing values.
Fontsize 0.00 < 1.0 pt not allowed by FreeType. Setting fontsize = 1 pt
<Figure Size: (500 x 500)>

If you want to plot the expression values for ligand-receptor interactions without the DEA statistics, you can set the return_all_lrs parameter to True in the li.multi.dea_to_lr function. This will return a dataframe with all the ligand-receptor interactions, where missing DEA stats will be set as nan, while mean expression and proportions per cluster will be obtained via the AnnData object.

Ligand-Receptor Plot

We can also use visualize of the stats, summarized at the level of the interaction, to prioritize the interactions, or any subunit statistics using li.pl.dotplot. For example, we can visualize the mean Wald statistic between the ligand & receptor, together with the pvalues for the ligand.

plot = li.pl.dotplot(liana_res=lr_res,
                     size_range=(0.5, 4)

# customize plot
    + p9.theme_bw(base_size=14)
    # fill cmap blue to red, with 0 the middle
    + p9.scale_color_cmap('RdBu_r', midpoint=0, limits=(-10, 10))
    # rotate x
    + p9.theme(axis_text_x=p9.element_text(angle=90), figure_size=(11, 6))

/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/liana/plotting/_common.py:104: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotnine/scales/scale.py:143: PlotnineWarning: scale_color_cmap could not recognise parameter `midpoint`
/home/dbdimitrov/anaconda3/envs/spiana/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotnine/scales/scales.py:50: PlotnineWarning: Scale for 'color' is already present.
Adding another scale for 'color',
which will replace the existing scale.

Fontsize 0.00 < 1.0 pt not allowed by FreeType. Setting fontsize = 1 pt
<Figure Size: (1100 x 600)>

Now that we have identified a set of interactions that are potentially deregulated we can look into the downstream signalling events that they might be involved in.

One can also estimate ligand-receptor pathway activities, etc, these are covered multiple times in other tutorials, but also are applicable here.

Intracellular Signaling Networks

Cellular signaling networks govern the behavior of cells, allowing them to respond to external signals, including various cell-cell communication events. Thus, CCC events can be thought of as upstream perturbants of intracellular signaling networks that lead to deregulations of downstream signaling events. Such deregulations are expected to be associated with various conditions and disease. Thus, understanding intracellular signaling networks is critical to model the cellular mechanisms.

Here, we will combine several tools to identify plausible signalling cascades driven by CCC events.

Our approach includes the following steps:

  • Select a number of potentially deregulated ligand-receptor interactions (input nodes), in terms of summarized PyDESeq2 statistics.

  • Select a number of potentially deregulated TFs (output nodes). This is done via the use of Transcription factor (TF) activity inference. Carried out on differential gene expression data using TF regulon knowledge with decoupler

  • Obtain a prior knowledge network (PKNs), with signed protein-protein interactions from OmniPath.

  • Generate weights for the nodes in the PKN

  • Use CORNETO to identify a solution in the form of a causal (smallest sign-consistent signaling) network that explains the measured inputs and outputs


Import OmniPath

For this part OmniPath is required.

pip install omnipath
# utily function to select top n interactions
def select_top_n(d, n=None):
    d = dict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda item: abs(item[1]), reverse=True))
    return {k: v for i, (k, v) in enumerate(d.items()) if i < n}

Select Cell types of Interest

One limitation of using DEA to identify interactions of interest is that it tells us little about deregulation at the level of cell types. However, from dimensionality reductions on CCC, as done with Tensor-cell2cell & MOFA on the same dataset, we can see there is a potential deregulation of CCC that involve CD14 monocytes both as sources (senders) and targets (or receivers) of intecellular communication. Thus, we will focus on the interactions and downstream signalling within that cell type.

source_label = 'CD14'
target_label = 'CD14'

# NOTE: We sort by the absolute value of the interaction stat
lr_stats = lr_res[lr_res['source'].isin([source_label]) & lr_res['target'].isin([target_label])].copy()
lr_stats = lr_stats.sort_values('interaction_stat', ascending=False, key=abs)

Select Receptors based on interaction stats

These will be used as the input or start nodes for the network. In this case, we will use interactions potentially involved in autocrine signalling in CD14 monocytes.

lr_dict = lr_stats.set_index('receptor')['interaction_stat'].to_dict()
input_scores = select_top_n(lr_dict, n=10)
{'CD40': 15.213890738775456,
 'CD80': 11.672283052638337,
 'SIRPA': 9.92679527367514,
 'CCR1': 9.12729237916692,
 'HLA-DPB1': 8.625121687728944,
 'LILRB2': 8.250712282572682,
 'CCR5': 6.024106443619973,
 'PTPRC': 5.811339038637888,
 'LILRB1': 5.586746654720494,
 'CD47': 5.431274692175629}

Select Transcription Factors of interest

Before we select the transcription factors, we need to infer their activity. We will do so using decoupler with CollecTri regulons. Specifically, we will estimate TF activities using the Wald statistics (from PyDESeq2) for the genes in the regulons.

# First, let's transform the DEA statistics into a DF
# we will use these to estimate deregulated TF activity
dea_wide = dea_df[[groupby, 'stat']].reset_index(names='genes').pivot(index=groupby, columns='genes', values='stat')
dea_wide = dea_wide.fillna(0)
B 0.000000 0.000000 -0.605923 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.523263 0.000000 0.782374 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.350376 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000
CD14 -2.993111 0.000000 10.129553 0.000000 1.085436 6.968489 -3.097932 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1.281381 -4.154833 1.737279 0.00000 -1.796965 0.000000
CD4T -2.814957 -1.995631 0.191978 1.144712 -5.150155 -0.081141 -0.650599 2.032146 1.648662 -0.270347 ... -0.218578 -1.168355 -1.515016 -0.430795 0.000000 -1.685312 3.455590 -0.17713 -1.399221 -0.240491
CD8T 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000
DCs 0.000000 0.000000 3.883796 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1.620856 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 -2.573142 0.000000
FGR3 0.000000 0.000000 2.836840 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -3.248816 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 4.160610 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 -2.117717 0.000000
NK 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.548184 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000

7 rows × 7802 columns

# Run Enrichment Analysis
estimates, pvals = dc.run_ulm(mat=dea_wide, net=net)
estimates.T.sort_values(target_label, key=abs, ascending=False).head()
STAT1 17.926670 13.178566 16.732069 17.533529 17.887823 15.023597 16.353252
IRF1 15.773025 10.694732 14.545148 13.118623 14.475640 11.968679 13.322178
STAT2 14.908431 9.841800 12.172835 13.719251 15.724816 12.524464 12.979574
IRF9 18.450977 8.841106 14.894291 19.616129 17.128387 13.703831 17.811499
NFKB1 6.898114 7.734655 8.250937 5.890799 9.258309 8.580269 7.130418

Select top TFs

Now that we have the potentially deregulated TFs, we focus on the top 10 TFs, based on their enrichment scores. In this case, we will look specifically at the top TFs deregulated in CD14 monocytes.

tf_data = estimates.copy()
tf_dict = tf_data.loc[target_label].to_dict()
output_scores = select_top_n(tf_dict, n=5)

Generate a Prior Knowledge Network

Now we will obtain protein-protein interactions from OmniPath, filter them according to curation effort to ensure we only keep those that are of high quality, and convert them into a knowledge graph.

# obtain ppi network
ppis = op.interactions.OmniPath().get(genesymbols = True)

ppis['mor'] = ppis['is_stimulation'].astype(int) - ppis['is_inhibition'].astype(int)
ppis = ppis[(ppis['mor'] != 0) & (ppis['curation_effort'] >= 5) & ppis['consensus_direction']]

input_pkn = ppis[['source_genesymbol', 'mor', 'target_genesymbol']]
input_pkn.columns = ['source', 'mor', 'target']
source mor target
3 CAV1 1 TRPC1
10 TRPC1 1 TRPC3
11 TRPC3 1 TRPC1
# convert the PPI network into a knowledge graph
prior_graph = li.mt.build_prior_network(input_pkn, input_scores, output_scores, verbose=True)
Importing network...
 - Nodes x Edges: (3115, 6157)
 - Provided inputs included in the prior network: 8/10
 - Provided outputs included in the network: 5/5
Performing reachability analysis...
 - Selected inputs: 4/8.
 - Selected outputs: 5/5.
 - Final size of the prior graph: (530, 1988).

In this section we use Prior Knowledge Networks (PKNs) from OmniPath to generate network hypotheses based on the deregulated interactions considering both sign and direction. Specifically, we focus on highly curated protein-protein interactions, which often represent hubs in the network. Since such network approaches are highly dependent on prior knowledge, for a review on prior knowledge bias and similar network inference methods, including thier limitations, see Garrido-Rodriguez et al., 2022.

Calculate Node weights

Calculate gene expression proportions within the target cell type; we will use those as node weights in the network.

temp = adata[adata.obs[groupby] == target_label].copy()
node_weights = pd.DataFrame(temp.X.getnnz(axis=0) / temp.n_obs, index=temp.var_names)
node_weights = node_weights.rename(columns={0: 'props'})
node_weights = node_weights['props'].to_dict()

Find Causal Network

CORNETO (Rodriguez-Mier et al., In prep) generalizes biological network inference problems using convex and combinatorial optimization. Here, we use it to find the smallest sign-consistent network that explains the measured inputs and outputs, a network inference problem formulated in CARNIVAL.

CORNETO further generalizes the use of different solvers to find the network inference problems, as such it supports a wide range of supported free and commercial solvers. If no additional solver is installed (as done here), it will default to using the solver included in SCIPY. We refer the user to the CORNETO documentation for more details on how to use different solvers, specifically if they wish to solve more complex examples than the one presented here.

To run CORNETO, we need to first install it; it’s very lightweight and can be installed via pip:

pip install corneto cvxpy cylp
import corneto as cn
Installed version:v0.9.1-alpha.5 (latest: v1.0.0.dev0)
Available backends:CVXPY v1.4.1
Default backend (corneto.K):CVXPY
Graphviz version:v0.20.1
df_res, problem = li.mt.find_causalnet(
    # penalize (max_penalty) nodes with counts in less than 0.1 of the cells
    # the penaly of those in > 0.1 prop of cells set to:
    max_runs=50, # NOTE that this repeats the solving either until the max runs are reached
    stable_runs=10, # or until X number of consequitive stable runs are reached (i.e. no new edges are added)
    solver='gurobi' # 'scipy' is available by default, but often results in suboptimal solutions
Set parameter Username
Set parameter Username
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires 2025-01-26
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires 2025-01-26

Visualize the Inferred Network

Now that the solution has been found, we can visualize it using the cn.methods.carnival.visualize_network function.

Warning: node 'PRKCZ', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'STAT1', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'PRKACA', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'NFKB1', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'PDPK1', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'GNAI2', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'STAT2', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'IFNAR2', graph '%3' size too small for label
Warning: node 'AKT1', graph '%3' size too small for label

We can see that the network above, largely captures a potential regulatory cascade with inhibitory (–|) and stimulatory (–>) interactions, related to JAK-STAT signalling. The network, in this case, starts from a receptor (triangle), coming from the top interactions, and ends with the deregulated TFs (square). The remainder of the nodes (circles) were inferred, taking their weights into account, and were not necessarily included in the input or output nodes.

In this example, we represent the directionality of signalling such that intracellular signalling is downstream of intercellular communication events. However, in biology cellular response is an admixture of both; thus such approaches are a simplification of biological reality.

Describe Results

Let’s examine the result of the subnetwork search - it provides information about the predicted signs of nodes and edges.

source source_type source_weight source_pred_val target target_type target_weight target_pred_val edge_type edge_pred_val
0 PRKCZ unmeasured 0.0 1.0 JAK1 unmeasured 0.000000 1.0 1 1.0
1 STAT1 unmeasured 0.0 1.0 IRF1 output 10.694732 1.0 1 1.0
2 PRKACA unmeasured 0.0 1.0 NFKB1 output 7.734655 1.0 1 1.0
3 SRC unmeasured 0.0 1.0 PDPK1 unmeasured 0.000000 1.0 1 1.0
4 GNAI2 unmeasured 0.0 1.0 SRC unmeasured 0.000000 1.0 1 1.0


  • source: source nodes in the Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network. Suffixes such as “_s,” “_pert_c0,” and “_meas_c0” indicate specific experimental conditions or measurement types (they are there simply because of how the ILP problem is formulated, and can be ignored).

  • target: target nodes in the PPI network, with suffixes similar to the source node.

  • source_type (unmeasured, input):

    • input: start nodes (provided by the users, here receptors).

    • output: end nodes (provides by the user, here transcription factors).

    • unmeasured: Nodes that are neither input nor output - i.e. those that predicted by the algorithm.

  • source_weight and target_weight: Inputs to the causal net method, indicating the influence of “measured” nodes within the network. Only the sign is taken into account.

  • source_pred_val (1, 0, -1): Regulatory state of the node:

    • 1: Upregulated

    • 0: No differential expression

    • -1: Downregulated

  • target_pred_val (1, -1): Regulatory state of the target node:

    • 1: Upregulated

    • -1: Downregulated

Edges (interaction)

  • edge_type (1, -1, 0): Type of interaction from prior knowledge:

    • 1: Activating interaction (e.g., A -> B)

    • -1: Inhibitory interaction

  • edge_pred_val (1, -1): Predicted effect of the interaction on the target node:

    • 1: Upregulation

    • -1: Downregulation

Installing the Gurobi Solver: A Step-by-Step Guide

While in this small example the internal scipy solver works, for larger networks we recommend using a solver such as Gurobi.

Gurobi is a powerful optimization solver used in various mathematical programming problems. Here’s how you can install it:

1. Download Gurobi for Your Operating System:

Visit the Gurobi download page and select the version compatible with your OS.

2. Unzip and Update Path:

After downloading, unzip the file. Locate the /bin folder inside the unzipped directory and add it to your system’s $PATH variable. This step is crucial as it allows your system to recognize and run Gurobi from anywhere.

3. Register for an Academic License:

If you’re an academic user, you can obtain a free license. Register and request an academic license through the Gurobi portal. Follow the prompts to complete your registration.

4. Install Gurobi Python Interface:

Open your command prompt or terminal and run:

pip install gurobipy

This command installs the necessary Python interface to interact with Gurobi.

5. Configure the Solver:

In your code, ensure the solver parameter is set to gurobi to direct your program to use the Gurobi solver.

By following these steps, you should have Gurobi installed and ready to tackle complex optimization problems.